Return and Refund
Order Cancellation Once an order is placed on our website, it cannot be cancelled.
Complaints and Grievances Should you have any complaints or issues with the product or its delivery, please inform us within 15 days of receipt. We will take appropriate measures to address your concerns. If you receive products that are physically damaged, defective, or not what you ordered, please contact us immediately.
Delivery Issues If you encounter any issues related to delivery, please notify us within 7 days after receiving your delivery confirmation from our delivery partner. We will take appropriate action to resolve the matter.
Refunds and Returns Products that are defective or damaged are eligible for return within 4 working days of delivery. Refunds will be processed to your original mode of payment and completed within 15 working days.
To report any complaints or issues regarding your order, or to initiate a return or refund, please provide a message or image showing the delivery confirmation or the condition of the product, as applicable.
Contact us at:
Phone: 9811571105